Thursday, September 6, 2012

Head on over to this site for a giveaway!

Friday, August 24, 2012

This was too funny not to share! Have a great weekend everyone! Happy Friday!

To Wed A Wanton Woman

Today I'm finishing up a nice historical romance I started last evening.  Oh my goodness, it's good.  Set back in the 1800's.  Montana is where the story takes place.  I'm loving this book.  Got it a couple of weeks ago on Amazon for $.99 (for Kindle) and I'm so glad I got it.

I'm about 52% done.  With two of my kiddos in school during the day, it's much easier to get a chapter or two read while my three year old takes a nap.  I must admit that I'm anxiously awaiting his nap today.  I can't wait to read the rest.

Here's the link on Amazon to buy the ebook:

Have any suggestions? Send 'em my way.  

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Spirits In the Trees by Morgan Hannah MacDonald

Some of you might not agree with me that this is a romance novel.  While it is on the paranormal side, there is a love story.  This was my first time reading a novel by this author and I really enjoyed it.   I didn't care much for the few parts about rape, but other than that, I did like this book.  Would I recommend it? Sure.  I think the author has a wonderful way of telling a story.  This gets two thumbs up from this country girl.

Here's the link on Amazon that you can purchase it: